Publishers of Refereed Open Access Indexed Journals
Submission Guidlines
IJMRS invites original research papers form academicians and professionals in the area of Engineering Sciences, Management Sciences and other allied disciplines. While submitting manuscript for any of IJMRS journals contributors should follow these guidelines:
  • Introduction: Manuscript must be in English prepared on a standard A4 size paper setting with two columns on one page in MS-Word format. It must be on a single space with 1 inch margin set for top, bottom, left and right. It should be typed in 12 point Times New Roman Font with page numbers at the bottom and centre of every page.
  • Manuscript Title: The title of the paper should be 14 point, Times New Roman Font. It should be bold, and centered. Author(s) Name(s) and Affiliation(s): The author(s) full name, E-mail Address(es) should be in 9 point, Times New Roman Font and should be centered beneath the title.
  • Abstract: The abstract should summarize the content of the paper. It should ideally be of less than 150 words with font size 9 in Times New Roman and must be single spaced. The abstract must be informative and explain the background, objectives, methodology, results and conclusions in brief.
  • Keywords: Abstract must be followed by 4 to 6 key words. These should be arranged alphabetically, separated by commas and full stop at the end. Headings: Major Headings are to be column centered in a bold font without underline and must be numbered.
  • Subheadings: These should start at the left-hand margin on a separate line and be given in non-bold font. Illustrations or Pictures: All illustrations or pictures should be clear black and white prints and must be numbered consecutively. Source of these must be mentioned below it.
  • Main Text: The main text should be in 12 points Times New Roman Font, single spaced, fully justified.
  • Tables and Figures: The tables must be simple, centered and numbered. The title of the table/figure must be given above it. Source(s) of data should be mentioned below the table.
  • Equations: All equations must be typed neatly. These should be numbered consecutively throughout the text. Equation numbers should be enclosed in parentheses and flushed right. Equation should be referred to as Eq.(x) in the text where x is the equation number. In multiline equations the number should be on last line.
  • Acknowledgments: Insert acknowledgment, if any. Sponsor and financial support acknowledgments are also placed here.
  • References: References must be arranged alphabetically indicating year within brackets exactly matching that in the text. Authors should desist in referencing those papers which are not quoted in the text. Papers without references will not be reviewed.
    [1] A. A. Name, and B. B. Name, Book Title, Place: Press, Year.
    [2] A. Name, and B. Name, "Journal Paper Title", Journal Name, Vol. X, No. X, Year, pp. xxx-xxx.
    [3] A. Name, "Dissertation Title", M.S.(or Ph.D.) thesis, Department, University, City, Country, Year.
    [4] A. A. Name, "Conference Paper Title", in Conference Name, Year, Vol. x, pp. xxx-xxx.
Call for Papers
Important Dates:
Send Manuscripts to
Last date for Submission
March 24, 2021
Notification of Acceptance
March 28, 2021
March 31, 2021
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