Title :
Genetic Algorithm for Multiprocessors Task Scheduling: A Review
Author :
Savita Narang, Sunita Dhingra
Journal name :
IJMRS's International Journal of Engineering Sciences, ISSN 2277-9698
Volume :
Volume 02, Issue 02, Jun. 2013
Keywords :
Multiprocessor scheduling, genetic algorithm, review.
Abstract :
Scheduling in a Multiprocessor architecture is a difficult NP hard problem, because it requires a Very large search space and also precedence relations between the processes. For the effective utilization of multiprocessor system, efficient assignment and scheduling of jobs is very important. Genetic algorithms are the adaptive heuristic search algorithms based on evolutionary idea of natural selection and genetics. GA’s are intelligent exploitation of random search used in optimization problems. GA although randomized, exploits historical information to direct the search into the region of better performance with in the search space. This paper presents the existing work done in multiprocessor scheduling problem using genetic algorithm.
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