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Abstract Details

Title :
Optimized Secure Energy Efficient Ant Based Routing
Author :
Kapil Chawla, Rupali Malhotra
Journal name :
IJMRS's International Journal of Engineering Sciences, ISSN 2277-9698
Volume :
Volume 02, Issue 02, Jun. 2013
Keywords :
ACO, Secure ACO, SHA-1, Energy Efficient ACO, Energy Efficient routing.
Abstract :
In network data aggregation is a data collection technique that improves energy efficiency and alleviates congestive routing traffic by reducing data forwarding in wireless sensor networks. To achieve this, many algorithms have been implemented which take their concept from some biological processes. Therefore, they are called bio-inspired algorithms. This paper aims to refine the heuristic function and the aggregation node selection method to maximize energy efficiency and to extend network lifetime. Ant-colony aggregation is a distributed algorithm that provides an intrinsic way of exploring the search space to optimize settings for optimal data aggregation. Currently, the energy-efficient ant based routing (EEABR) algorithm, based on the ant colony optimization (ACO) Meta heuristic, is one of the state-of-the-art energy-aware routing protocols, but there is a scope of improvement . So, in this paper we have proposed three improvements to the existing EEABR algorithm to further increase its energy efficiency and named it as Optimized Secure Energy Efficient Ant Based Routing(OSEEABR). The improvements are: (1) a new scheme to intelligently initialize the routing tables giving priority to neighboring nodes with Flat-Grid topology,(2) intelligent update of routing tables with the help of ants initialize from source to destination, and (3) security feature for making data transmission secure in network by applying SHA-1 technique on transmitted data packets.
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