Title :
Random Delays in Embedded Software for Attack Resilient Cryptographic Implementations
Author :
Nisha Malik, AmardeepMalik, Parveen Rathi
Journal name :
IJMRS's International Journal of Engineering Sciences, ISSN 2277-9698
Volume :
Volume 02, Issue 01, Mar. 2013
Keywords :
Cryptography, Differential power analysis (DPA), Random Delays, Random number generator (RNG), Side channel attacks.
Abstract :
Side-channel attacks that use information leaked from a cryptographic module and fault attacks that inject disturbances are attracting great attention day by day. Thus it is in intense requirement to develop their countermeasures. Random delays are commonly used as a countermeasure to inhibit side channel analysis and fault attacks in embedded devices. Random delays in embedded software are seen which help to perform attack resilient cryptographic implementation. This paper shows some techniques of generating random delays and measuring the efficiency of random delay countermeasures.
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