Title :
The Study of Production Output of Flexible Manufacturing Cells with AGV and Simulation with SIMAN Language
Author :
Raj Kumar Duhan, Pardeep Gahlot
Journal name :
IJMRS's International Journal of Engineering Sciences, ISSN 2277-9698
Volume :
Volume 01, Issue 02, Jun. 2012
Keywords :
FMS, AGV, FM Cell, Conveyor
Abstract :
This main concern of this paper is to study the production output of Flexible manufacturing cell of FMS. Here simulation language SIMAN is used to find out the results. After examine the simulation results, we recommend to implement a conveyor system for material handling. Use of AGV in the flexible manufacturing system creates a bottleneck which causes a dramatically decrease in the production but in conveyor the output is not limited. The details of FMS and their disadvantages and advantages are also summarized in this paper.
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