Title :
Comparative Analysis of Energy Efficient Mac Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Author :
Manju Yadav, Bijender Mehandia
Journal name :
IJMRS's International Journal of Engineering Sciences, ISSN 2277-9698
Volume :
Volume 02, Issue 02, Jun. 2013
Keywords :
Mac Protocol, Wireless Sensor Networks, Energy Efficiency.
Abstract :
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have accelerated tremendous research efforts with an aim to increase the lifetime of battery-powered sensor nodes but MAC protocols are still most important in WSN because the exact implementation of communication among sensors is derived by the MAC protocols. Decreasing energy consumption is most important factor for medium access control (MAC) protocol because it takes care of the status of radio module which consumes most of the energy resulting in increased lifetime of the network. T-MAC, S-MAC and ZigBeeMAC protocols consumes very less energy and hence are very popular for wireless sensor networks. ZigBeeMAC protocol uses TDMA approach using Guaranteed Time Slot scheme to reduce the idle listening that reduces energy consumption considerably. S-MAC uses periodic sleep and wakeup states to reduce energy consumption in idle listening. T-MAC reduces duty cycle of the sensor node to reduce idle listening and therefore the energy consumption.
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