Publishers of Refereed Open Access Indexed Journals

Abstract Details

Title :
Multimedia Authoring and Tools in a Media Devices Distributed Environment
Author :
Mohit Garg, Deepak Gupta, Harish Mittal
Journal name :
IJMRS's International Journal of Engineering Sciences, ISSN 2277-9698
Volume :
Volume 01, Issue 04, Dec. 2012
Keywords :
Multimedia, Authoring tool, Media
Abstract :
Multimedia authoring: creation of multimedia productions, sometimes called “movies” or “presentations”.Authoring software provides an integrated environment for combining the content and functions of a project. It enables the developer to create, edit, and import data. Many conference rooms are now equipped with multiple multi-media devices, such as plasma displays and surrounding speakers, to enhance presentation quality. However, most existing presentation authoring tools are based on the one-display-and-one-speaker assumption, which makes it difficult to organize and playback a presentation dispatched to multiple devices, thus hinders users from taking full advantage of additional multimedia devices. In this paper, we propose and implement a tool to facilitate authoring and playback of a multi-channel presentation in a media devices distributed environment. Multimedia authoring tools provide the framework for organizing and editing the elements of a multimedia project. Authoring systems include editing tools to create, edit, and convert multimedia elements such as animation and video clips. The organization, design, and production process for multimedia involves storyboarding and flowcharting. Visual flowcharting or overview facility illustrates project structure at a macro level.
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