Keywords :
Quality characteristics, Quality sub characteristics, ISO 9126, Components Quality, CBSD, COTS quality evaluation, component quality models
Abstract :
Accessing the quality of Software products and process has been always a thrust area for the software engineering researchers. There are several existing quality models used to evaluate software systems, namely: McCall’s, Boehm, ISO 9126, FURPS, Dromey, Triangle and Quality Cube etc. Software systems today are composed from prefabricated commercial components known as COTS components. The quality of these COTS component based software systems (CBSS) depends on the quality of these components. There are several quality models proposed by the researchers to evaluate the quality of components; primarily based on the ISO 9126 model. None of them agrees on all the characteristics/sub characteristics to be as it is used for evaluating the components. This paper emphasis on review of these component quality models based on the addition, deletion and the changes made to various characteristics and sub characteristics of the ISO 9126 model. The objective of this review is to identify and select better and common characteristics and sub characteristics from the ISO 9126 model for development and assessment of the components and CBSS quality.