Title :
An Incremental Data Mining Algorithm
Author :
Ashish Saxena, Gurmit Singh , Bharat Bhusan Sagar
Journal name :
IJMRS's International Journal of Engineering Sciences, ISSN 2277-9698
Volume :
Volume 02, Issue 01, Mar. 2013
Keywords :
Count, Frequent Item-sets, IMA, Infrequent, Negative Boarder, Passes.
Abstract :
For fast retrieval of queries there arises a need of high performance algorithm over the increment of current data. In the current research work an attempt has been made to develop an Incremental Data mining Algorithm (IMA) and compare it with the existing DELTA algorithm .The delta algorithm uses only three passes .The proposed algorithm IMA comprises of four passes .It has an extra pass in which count function is used to increase the efficiency of incremental data mining algorithm. The proposed algorithm IMA is capable of discovering association rules more efficiently in the case of incremental data-mining, which results in high performance of algorithm over the DELTA.
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